Psychological counseling
Psychological counseling
Psychological counseling is a collaborative relationship in which the counselor helps the client to make sense of her life’s the problematic situations. The possible reasons would be discussed together with the client and solutions would be sought to achieve the best possible outcomes of this situation.
The counseling session is a conversation during which the client could receive feedback on her thoughts and answers to her questions.
The counseling aims to:
improve the client’s well being, relieve her stress, manage the crisis and solve problems, as well as encourage independence in solving problems; support the client’s abilities to achieve adequate self-esteem, increased self-confidence, skills and self-efficiency when making choices and decisions, achieving goals; teach better understanding of herself, her abilities and circumstances.
Psychological counseling would be conducted in a private counseling room on agreed times, the counseling schedule would be agreed with the counselor. The victims of violence against women would receive individual counseling, counseling of the mother and the children as well as group counseling. Relationship counseling would not be offered.
Psychological counseling would be offered by psychologists with a law degree who have received training on violence against women.